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the best day ever

To David Wolfe, every day is The Best Day Ever!

Last night, Noorish closed its doors so thirty of us could dine with the raw food world celebrity and author. David called the event a ‘sacred dinner’ – all-raw, and so exquisitely presented and delicious that we were guessing ingredients at our table and taking notes! It truly was The Best Meal Ever.

David talked about heart-friendly antioxidants found in the vibrant colors of LIVING food, gave us some great tips for longevity, and discussed the magical properties of mushrooms: “We could all use a little more magic in our lives,” he said. So I treated myself to some ‘magic’ – a bag of dried Chaga, the king of mushrooms, and Reishi, the queen of mushrooms – a royal pair for immunity and liver health, simmering now in my slow cooker for tomorrow’s tea.

Speaking of tomorrow… have The Best Day Ever!


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I was so happy to attend Lauri’s first raw food class at Earth’s General Store.  She did such a fine job, and it was obvious that she was enjoying herself (and she told me so afterwards too).  We all found the food delicious, and at least one other person (besides me) thought Lauri got across how simple and easy (and delicious!) (and even fun!) it can be to make them.  -Joanne O.


taste food not scents

Have you ever tasted artificially-scented-chemically-formulated-dishwashing-liquid-flavoured food? Sigh…

Here’s a tip: If you are using plastic (or wooden) utensils/bowls, including food processor work bowl, also teflex sheets for the food dehydrator to prepare/serve raw food, consider using only ecologically-safe, natural (based on plant/mineral ingredients), unscented dishwashing liquid. Even a liquid soap scented with essential oils may be undesirable. The reason? Once scents permeate plastic, they easily leach into food. Any food. Raw or cooked. Perfume and food just aren’t a resonant relationship.

Now I will get off my soap box and go kale shopping!




raw inc

For those of you who have asked if I eat raw food only, the answer is, ‘No, I eat a variety of both raw and cooked food.’ I like to say that I ‘inc’ (my short for incorporate) raw foods into my lifestyle for the live enzymes. Here’s a few ideas:

-after a cooked meal, enjoy cool, creamy, raw carob or chocolate pudding and a raw sweet-salty ginger cookie for dessert
-end cooked meals with a raw green salad to top off digestion with an alkaline layer, then skip dessert
-top a large raw salad – mixed greens/red onion/sweet peppers/cukes/tomatoes – with steamed broccoli and a raw salad dressing
-prepare a more complex raw food recipe (such as raw apple pie) served alongside an easy cooked recipe, and vice versa
-commit to prepare at least one new raw food recipe weekly – keep a list in your wallet for spontaneous grocery shopping
-on summer days, it’s easy to eat 100% raw, especially after a trip to the farmers market
-shop often for fresh raw food so you don’t succumb to refined snacks
-make a raw lime pie on your day off, then freeze it for when you’re too busy to “cook” – avocados freeze very well
-invite a few friends to a raw food potluck!

Each person has different preferences, so my motto is: Eat food that resonates with YOU. Personally, I feel most satiated and nourished when I eat whole foods, whether the food is raw or cooked.

Learning how to inc more raw living food with your meals can start simply: Try easy desserts first. (desserts is ‘stressed’ spelled backwards!)

Make raw food an exciting new addition to the family. Think baby steps!




instant pudding

Here’s my first original raw food recipe, created about 5 years ago. At the time, I thought I was clever using avocados to make the pudding smooth and creamy, then discovered that others had the same great idea! This pudding has no “skin” on the surface after it’s been chilled. I often enjoy a bowl of raw pudding right after breakfast, to help energize my day.


(yields about 2 cups or 4 servings)

1¼ cup water, or coconut water, or almond milk, or orange juice

2 large avocados

3 heaping Tablespoons cacao powder or carob powder

1 heaping Tablespoon coconut oil

2-3 Tablespoons honey or agave nectar, to taste

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Pinch of sea salt

Blend all of the above ingredients in a vita-mix or blender until smooth. Stop blender and stir often with spatula. Serve at room temperature or chilled.


raw, baby, raw

Why do I love raw food?
…because raw food tastes fresh and delicious
…because raw food is real food that is still alive
…because raw food has become much more than salads
…because raw food creations can look stunning and taste gourmet
…because raw food recipes include favorites, such as lasagna, pizza, cheesecake
…because raw food’s enzymes are intact; enzymes are catalysts for healing
…because raw food takes less energy for the body to digest
…because raw food resonates with healthy lifestyles
…because raw food is easy to add to mealtimes…

This week, I will post an easy raw food recipe that is dairy-free/gluten-free –
Instant Pudding



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what’s in my blog’s name?

So the word ‘raw’ swam around in my head for weeks seeking its resonant other.
Then one morning ‘resonance’ bobbed up; I looked up the definition of ‘resonance’ –

This part stood out:
-the ability to evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions

And especially this:
-condition in which an object or system is subjected to an oscillating force
having a frequency close to its own natural frequency

Hmm, a thought:
Raw human bodies have a frequency. Raw food has a frequency.

Aha, resonance!


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birth announcement

After 3 days of labour in the form of floor-pacing, thinking, sighing, deep breathing, staring at the ceiling, re-focusing, meditating, and crunching on ice, my dot com came to be on a hot August morning at about 10 a.m. I’d been awake since 5:30, ate breakfast, and had searched for about another 100 dot com possibilities, then…

Perhaps it’s because I was born a Pisces that my creativity flows when I’m in or near water – which includes the bathroom shower – or maybe it’s due to water pressure massaging and stimulating my brain into action, or perhaps it’s because I’m not multitasking like crazy during a few blessed moments of peace, that I often birth brand new ideas in the shower, my “water babies”, as I call them.

So that’s how http://www.rawresonance.com was born.